A Hut In the Woods 林中小屋








为了寻找这个庇护所,他向前走去。突然,离他不远的地方有一缕朦胧的暗光引起了他的注意。“什么?有人住在这鬼地方吗?” 他不解。但对他来说,这似乎是一个很好的庇护所,因为他几乎筋疲力尽了。就这样,他朝昏暗的灯光走去,发现光源来自一间小屋。


他确信小屋是安全的,但没有窗户,他敲了敲门。然而,没有回应。然后他看到门好像没有锁上。他鼓足了勇气,转动门把手,门立刻打开了。不出他所料,房子里一个人也没有,里面是一间相当整洁舒适的卧室,有整齐的家具和一张又大又软的床。然而,使他感到恐惧的是,房间里没有窗户,所以很黑,他注意到墙上的画——画的是相当怪诞的东西。他们似乎是人形人物的肖像,脸上表情扭曲,姿势奇怪,就像趴在画布上一样。此外,他们的眼球不见了,眼窝黑得吓人,黑色的血液从眼窝里流出来。由于小屋里太黑,猎人看不清那些画。他隐约觉得,画上的人物虽然没有眼球,却从深陷的眼孔里不温不火地望着他。“不管怎样,它们只是画。” 猎人想让自己冷静下来,放松一下,于是他决定在那里过夜。





A hunter had been hunting in the woods all day, and night was coming on, sending the last patch of twilight to rest beneath the horizon.

Night came at last, and the hunter had to get home before it was too late. Unfortunately, however, he found that he had lost his compass somewhere, and the night sky was as dark as the frontier of the universe, where the moon and stars are no longer visible. On this note, he could no longer refer to Polaris to guide him.

The gale howled in despair, striking roughly at the branches of the crumpled trees, as if to explain and warn of the latent doom that lay hidden in the depths of the woods beyond the reach of the hunter. The hunter realized that he needed a shelter, at least a place where he could reserve his life for the night. In pursuit of this new object, he moved forward. Suddenly, a dim sense of light not far from him seized his attention. “What? Does anybody live in such a hellhole?” He pondered in perplexity. But it did seem a pretty good shelter for him, for he was almost worn out. In this way, he made his way towards the dim light, and found a hut.

He was thrilled, and at the same time a little suspicious. So, he took a simple investigation around the hut to make sure if there were any traps or things that were abnormal.

Convinced that the hut was safe, but without a window, he knocked at the door. However, nobody answered. Then he saw that the door did not appear to be locked. Firing up his courage, he turned the doorknob and opened the door directly. There was no one in the house, as he had expected, and within was a rather neat and cosy bedroom, with neat furniture and a large, soft bed. What still struck him with a sense of dread, however, was the fact that there was no window in the room, so that it was pretty dark, and he noticed the pictures on the walls-which showed rather grotesque things. They seemed to be portraits of human-like figures who had twisty expressions on their faces and strange postures like lying against the paintings. In addition, their eyeballs were gone, with frightening dark eye sockets, black blood coming out through them. The hunter could not clearly see the paintings because of the darkness in the hut. It seemed to him, faintly, that the figures in the pictures were gazing at him through their deep-set eye-holes in a lukewarm way, though they had no eyeballs. “Anyway, they are just paintings.” The hunter thought to make himself calm and relax, and he decided to sleep there for the night then.

From time to time, however, nightmares came to disturb his sleep…​ The hunter woke up during the night for times because of bad dreams he had made. He dreamed that he was facing zombies and ghosts. And whenever he woke, he found it abnormally difficult to fall asleep again. He often fancied that from something not very far away there was some forlorn and bitter growl, mingled with the noise of the wind in the trees outside. Looking at the paintings, he felt a foreboding….​

Morning came at last, and the hunter awoke. He got up, finding the sunlight came into the hut from the windows, while there were no paintings on the walls at all.


A hunter had been hunting in the woods all day, and night was coming on, sending the last patch of twilight to rest beneath the horizon.


Night came at last, and the hunter had to get home before it was too late. Unfortunately, however, he found that he had lost his compass somewhere, and the night sky was as dark as the frontier of the universe, where the moon and stars are no longer visible. On this note, he could no longer refer to Polaris to guide him.


The gale howled in despair, striking roughly at the branches of the crumpled trees, as if to explain and warn of the latent doom that lay hidden in the depths of the woods beyond the reach of the hunter. The hunter realized that he needed a shelter, at least a place where he could reserve his life for the night.

为了寻找这个庇护所,他向前走去。突然,离他不远的地方有一缕朦胧的暗光引起了他的注意。“什么?有人住在这鬼地方吗?” 他不解。但对他来说,这似乎是一个很好的庇护所,因为他几乎筋疲力尽了。就这样,他朝昏暗的灯光走去,发现光源来自一间小屋。

In pursuit of this new object, he moved forward. Suddenly, a dim sense of light not far from him seized his attention. “What? Does anybody live in such a hellhole?” He pondered in perplexity. But it did seem a pretty good shelter for him, for he was almost worn out. In this way, he made his way towards the dim light, and found a hut.


He was thrilled, and at the same time a little suspicious. So, he took a simple investigation around the hut to make sure if there were any traps or things that were abnormal.


Convinced that the hut was safe, but without a window, he knocked at the door. However, nobody answered. Then he saw that the door did not appear to be locked. Firing up his courage, he turned the doorknob and opened the door directly. There was no one in the house, as he had expected, and within was a rather neat and cosy bedroom, with neat furniture and a large, soft bed. What still struck him with a sense of dread, however, was the fact that there was no window in the room, so that it was pretty dark, and he noticed the pictures on the walls-which showed rather grotesque things. They seemed to be portraits of human-like figures who had twisty expressions on their faces and strange postures like lying against the paintings. In addition, their eyeballs were gone, with frightening dark eye sockets, black blood coming out through them. The hunter could not clearly see the paintings because of the darkness in the hut. It seemed to him, faintly, that the figures in the pictures were gazing at him through their deep-set eye-holes in a lukewarm way, though they had no eyeballs. “Anyway, they are just paintings.” The hunter thought to make himself calm and relax, and he decided to sleep there for the night then.

他确信小屋是安全的,但没有窗户,他敲了敲门。然而,没有回应。然后他看到门好像没有锁上。他鼓足了勇气,转动门把手,门立刻打开了。不出他所料,房子里一个人也没有,里面是一间相当整洁舒适的卧室,有整齐的家具和一张又大又软的床。然而,使他感到恐惧的是,房间里没有窗户,所以很黑,他注意到墙上的画——画的是相当怪诞的东西。他们似乎是人形人物的肖像,脸上表情扭曲,姿势奇怪,就像趴在画布上一样。此外,他们的眼球不见了,眼窝黑得吓人,黑色的血液从眼窝里流出来。由于小屋里太黑,猎人看不清那些画。他隐约觉得,画上的人物虽然没有眼球,却从深陷的眼孔里不温不火地望着他。“不管怎样,它们只是画。” 猎人想让自己冷静下来,放松一下,于是他决定在那里过夜。

From time to time, however, nightmares came to disturb his sleep…​ The hunter woke up during the night for times because of bad dreams he had made. He dreamed that he was facing zombies and ghosts. And whenever he woke, he found it abnormally difficult to fall asleep again. He often fancied that from something not very far away there was some forlorn and bitter growl, mingled with the noise of the wind in the trees outside. Looking at the paintings, he felt a foreboding….​



Morning came at last, and the hunter awoke. He got up, finding the sunlight came into the hut from the windows, while there were no paintings on the walls at all.


文章作者: 于光远 ClanceyPRMS
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