我们看海去 Let's Go to the Sea

我们看海去 Let’s Go to the Sea


















































I had to go home a little later to practice my dance after class. On the little dirt slope near the gate, I stopped as usual, to take a short stand. The sky above the city walls had turned a pale red-would the sea be red at this moment? Silently, I began reciting the text:”Let’s go to the sea! Let’s go to the sea! … Golden red sun rises up from the sea…” Thus, couldn’t I just say “Golden red sun sets down from the sky” now? Yes, in the future I would write a book which will clearly distinguish the sky from the sea, and the good from the bad, and the mad from the thief. Now, however, I could distinguish nothing.

Again I saw the rag-picker’s shoulder-pole at the neighbor’s door. Where is the guy with the pole? In spite of myself, I set my pace for the meadow side. At this moment, in the front yard in front of the door, a man could be seen at some distance from me, crouching under a large locust-tree, and seeming to take no notice of me.. I passed through the cracked brick wall, pushed aside the tall grass, and, step by step, moved into the meadow.

It was the same old spot where I had seen him!

“It’s you! He was crouching there, too, with a blade of grass in his mouth. He then glanced behind me and beckoned me to crouch down too. As soon as I crouched down, my school bag fell to the ground.

“I guess you are here. You should come!”

“I should come? What do you mean?” He asked surprisingly.

“I mean nothing!” “” I answered, also in surprise.. “You still left some stories to tell me, didn’t you?”

“Yeah-yeah-yeah, we should be faithful.” He smiled and nodded. He was sitting against a corner of the wall, with a big tarpaulin-covered bag beside him, and he was leaning on it like how Maid Song sat on the edge of the bed, leaning on the quilt.

“What story would you like to listen to?”

“Your brother’s and yours.”

“OK, but I should ask you first - I still don’t know your name!”


“Yingzi, Yingzi,” he murmured, “Good name. What’s your ranking in your school?”


“Just twelfth? For such a brilliant student? You should be at the top! It must be playfulness that distracts you.”

I laughed. How could he know that I was playful? How could I live without playing?

“It was playful that I was exactly when I was young, and I failed to graduate from school, which is late for me to regret now. My younger brother, who I swear to be a good student, wins first place in the school every year, and he is full of ambition. He said that when he grows up and graduates from school, he will go overseas to pursue a further career. My Lord, how can I, his incapable, wooden brother, support him in his school-work, which depends on my poor skill? We three, my mother, my brother and I, were literally living hand-to-mouth, though we only ate coarse corn bread every day! Alas!” He sighed, “It’s not what I tended that I’ve driven myself to such a way. Understand, Yingzi?”

I just had a hazy notion, only staring at him directly. There were piles of gum in his eyelashes, and they were rather inflamed, as if he had not slept at all the day before, or had only been crying.

“My blind mother is blind because she would always cry for my incapability. All she knows now is that after I squandered all our savings, I tinkered with my ways and started a little business. She knew nothing more than that. My bookish brother also regarded me as his dear big brother, and that was that - I supported my brother’s cause, and I always wanted to support him until he finally went overseas. Am I not a good guy? Lil’Yingzi, tell me, am I a good guy? Or a bad guy, huh?”

Good guy, bad guy… They were the stuff which was the most difficult for me to differentiate. Why did he ask me that as well? I shook my head.

“I don’t know what the good or the bad exactly is. The population is too huge to distinguish.” I looked up at the sky, and at the same time was seized with a sudden thought. “Can you distinguish the sea and the sky? There’s a poem in our textbook and I’m gonna recite that to you.”

Then I started to recite “Let’s Go To the Sea” slowly, sentence by sentence, while he tilted his head and listened carefully. The moment I finished each sentence came up with his nod and “Yep”. When I had finished, I said:

“Does the golden red sun rise up from the blue sea? But it can also rise from the blue sky. I can’t distinguish the sea and the sky, neither can I distinguish the good and the bad.”

“Yep,” he nodded to show his sincere approval, “lil’sis, you are very brilliant and there will be a day that you can eventually distinguish them. In the future, when my brother will have to go abroad to study by ship, let’s go to see him off! We can see the sea and dig out the difference between it and the sky at that rate.”

“Let’s go to the sea! Let’s go to the sea!” I was electrified, and began to recite again.

“Yeah! Let’s go to the sea. Let’s go to the sea! On the blue sea we wave our white sails… And then? I remember that’s about the ‘sun’? “

“Golden red sun rises up from the sea…”

I taught him sentence by sentence, and he loved the text then, too. “Lil’sis, I won’t forget you, I swear. My thoughts have never been told to others before, even my younger brother.”

But what were his thoughts? Was that all he said? I did not quite understand, and at the same time I did not feel inclined to ask him. Well, how long would it be before his brother was finally able to sail abroad? Nevertheless, we booked a date, which was “Let’s go to the sea”.

He then took a string of beads from his pocket and offered them to me, but I was not willing to accept them.

“Don’t worry, it’s mine. It was a huge collection of toys and stuff that my granny gave me, but I wasted them all, except for this tiny string of ivory Buddha beads. I do not know why, but I had never before noticed it hanging from the eyeglass frame. It is fitting that I should send it to you to-day, as a proof of our predestined meeting. Lil’Yingzi, remember, I am not a’ bad guy’!”

His words were frank and willing, so I took them. I looped it twice around my wrist.

A few days later, when my classmates and I walked into Xinlianzi Hutong, there were also some police officers rushing into the hutong. Did someone lose something again? My heart leaped, and I felt a sudden sense of misfortune.

One of the policemen in front was carrying a large bag - oh no! It was the tarpaulin bag! Therefore, it must have been him who was arrested. I tugged hard at the corner of Maid Song’s coat.

“Little bastard is not the shape of a thief at all! How his heart had changed! It’s unable to distinguish whether he’s a good guy or a bad guy anymore!”

A crowd had gathered. I was afraid, afraid that he might see me. He saw me, however, at any rate. His head was bowed, his eyes fixed on the ground, and his hands were bound by a white rope led by a police officer. My hands began to sweat.

​Slowly, I hid myself behind the door, leaning on my mother with a strong sense of bursting into tears.

My mom said: “Lil’Yingzi, did you see that bad guy? Don’t you like writing? You can write a book according to this incident when you grow up. You can describe how a bad guy becomes a thief and how he ends up in such a way.”

“NO!” I resisted the way my mom taught me. I did want to write a book when I grew up, but not in the way that my mom said. I was going to write:

“Let’s go to the sea.”




I had to go home a little later to practice my dance after class. On the little dirt slope near the gate, I stopped as usual, to take a short stand. The sky above the city walls had turned a pale red-would the sea be red at this moment? Silently, I began reciting the text:”Let’s go to the sea! Let’s go to the sea! … Golden red sun rises up from the sea…” Thus, couldn’t I just say “Golden red sun sets down from the sky” now? Yes, in the future I would write a book which will clearly distinguish the sky from the sea, and the good from the bad, and the mad from the thief. Now, however, I could distinguish nothing.


Again I saw the rag-picker’s shoulder-pole at the neighbor’s door. Where is the guy with the pole? In spite of myself, I set my pace for the meadow side. At this moment, in the front yard in front of the door, a man could be seen at some distance from me, crouching under a large locust-tree, and seeming to take no notice of me.. I passed through the cracked brick wall, pushed aside the tall grass, and, step by step, moved into the meadow.


It was the same old spot where I had seen him!


“It’s you! He was crouching there, too, with a blade of grass in his mouth. He then glanced behind me and beckoned me to crouch down too. As soon as I crouched down, my school bag fell to the ground.


“I guess you are here. You should come!”


“I should come? What do you mean?” He asked surprisingly.


“I mean nothing!” “” I answered, also in surprise.. “You still left some stories to tell me, didn’t you?”


“Yeah-yeah-yeah, we should be faithful.” He smiled and nodded. He was sitting against a corner of the wall, with a big tarpaulin-covered bag beside him, and he was leaning on it like how Maid Song sat on the edge of the bed, leaning on the quilt.


“What story would you like to listen to?”


“Your brother’s and yours.”


“OK, but I should ask you first - I still don’t know your name!”




“Yingzi, Yingzi,” he murmured, “Good name. What’s your ranking in your school?”




“Just twelfth? For such a brilliant student? You should be at the top! It must be playfulness that distracts you.”


I laughed. How could he know that I was playful? How could I live without playing?



“It was playful that I was exactly when I was young, and I failed to graduate from school, which is late for me to regret now. My younger brother, who I swear to be a good student, wins first place in the school every year, and he is full of ambition. He said that when he grows up and graduates from school, he will go overseas to pursue a further career. My Lord, how can I, his incapable, wooden brother, support him in his school-work, which depends on my poor skill? We three, my mother, my brother and I, were literally living hand-to-mouth, though we only ate coarse corn bread every day! Alas!” He sighed, “It’s not what I tended that I’ve driven myself to such a way. Understand, Yingzi?”


I just had a hazy notion, only staring at him directly. There were piles of gum in his eyelashes, and they were rather inflamed, as if he had not slept at all the day before, or had only been crying.


“My blind mother is blind because she would always cry for my incapability. All she knows now is that after I squandered all our savings, I tinkered with my ways and started a little business. She knew nothing more than that. My bookish brother also regarded me as his dear big brother, and that was that - I supported my brother’s cause, and I always wanted to support him until he finally went overseas. Am I not a good guy? Lil’Yingzi, tell me, am I a good guy? Or a bad guy, huh?”


Good guy, bad guy… They were the stuff which was the most difficult for me to differentiate. Why did he ask me that as well? I shook my head.


“I don’t know what the good or the bad exactly is. The population is too huge to distinguish.” I looked up at the sky, and at the same time was seized with a sudden thought. “Can you distinguish the sea and the sky? There’s a poem in our textbook and I’m gonna recite that to you.”


Then I started to recite “Let’s Go To the Sea” slowly, sentence by sentence, while he tilted his head and listened carefully. The moment I finished each sentence came up with his nod and “Yep”. When I had finished, I said:


“Does the golden red sun rise up from the blue sea? But it can also rise from the blue sky. I can’t distinguish the sea and the sky, neither can I distinguish the good and the bad.”


“Yep,” he nodded to show his sincere approval, “lil’sis, you are very brilliant and there will be a day that you can eventually distinguish them. In the future, when my brother will have to go abroad to study by ship, let’s go to see him off! We can see the sea and dig out the difference between it and the sky at that rate.”


“Let’s go to the sea! Let’s go to the sea!” I was electrified, and began to recite again.


“Yeah! Let’s go to the sea. Let’s go to the sea! On the blue sea we wave our white sails… And then? I remember that’s about the ‘sun’? “


“Golden red sun rises up from the sea…”



I taught him sentence by sentence, and he loved the text then, too. “Lil’sis, I won’t forget you, I swear. My thoughts have never been told to others before, even my younger brother.”


But what were his thoughts? Was that all he said? I did not quite understand, and at the same time I did not feel inclined to ask him. Well, how long would it be before his brother was finally able to sail abroad? Nevertheless, we booked a date, which was “Let’s go to the sea”.


He then took a string of beads from his pocket and offered them to me, but I was not willing to accept them.


“Don’t worry, it’s mine. It was a huge collection of toys and stuff that my granny gave me, but I wasted them all, except for this tiny string of ivory Buddha beads. I do not know why, but I had never before noticed it hanging from the eyeglass frame. It is fitting that I should send it to you to-day, as a proof of our predestined meeting. Lil’Yingzi, remember, I am not a’ bad guy’!”


His words were frank and willing, so I took them. I looped it twice around my wrist.


A few days later, when my classmates and I walked into Xinlianzi Hutong, there were also some police officers rushing into the hutong. Did someone lose something again? My heart leaped, and I felt a sudden sense of misfortune.


One of the policemen in front was carrying a large bag - oh no! It was the tarpaulin bag! Therefore, it must have been him who was arrested. I tugged hard at the corner of Maid Song’s coat.


“Little bastard is not the shape of a thief at all! How his heart had changed! It’s unable to distinguish whether he’s a good guy or a bad guy anymore!”


A crowd had gathered. I was afraid, afraid that he might see me. He saw me, however, at any rate. His head was bowed, his eyes fixed on the ground, and his hands were bound by a white rope led by a police officer. My hands began to sweat.


​Slowly, I hid myself behind the door, leaning on my mother with a strong sense of bursting into tears.


My mom said: “Lil’Yingzi, did you see that bad guy? Don’t you like writing? You can write a book according to this incident when you grow up. You can describe how a bad guy becomes a thief and how he ends up in such a way.”



“NO!” I resisted the way my mom taught me. I did want to write a book when I grew up, but not in the way that my mom said. I was going to write:


“Let’s go to the sea.”



文章作者: 于光远ClanceyPRMS
版权声明: 本博客所有文章除特別声明外,均采用 CC BY 4.0 许可协议。转载请注明来源 于光远ClanceyPRMS !